
Interview with Neliel

Oct 8th, 2017
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  1. Q: I remember first time noticing you after sniping Cookiezi on Toumey elegy. I guess it was your first really strong score. How did you feel about sniping the god himself? Did people suspect you in cheating?
  3. A: At the time it was something special to me and I was really happy and proud of it. There were some comments in the reddit thread calling me a cheater but it's always like that when someone unknown sets a good score.
  5. Q: A question about Germany. This year many countries have significanrly increased their human resources (like Russia, UK, USA). Is Germany ready to give a fight in this OWC? Tell us a bit about latest german improve jumps.
  7. A: We've got a very versatile team this year and I expect us to atleast reach top 6 like last year. I would like to go even further but it depends on the mappools.
  9. Q: And the most important question of the day, originally proposed by Talala. Translating him literally: "WHAT DO I DO TO GET AN FC ON ATAMA!??!" Btw, how many tries did you use up on it?
  11. A: Hmm, I never really practiced anything specific. I just played a lot of Low ar + hidden before I set that score. I think that had a huge impact on my ability to fc this map. Also I never really tried that map because I dont like it that much and just gave it a shot.
  13. Q: At the same time I'll ask about your performance on general hard AR9 maps. If you have managed to FC Atama you should be able to set good scores on some other well-known "impossible" maps like Rainbow dash. But just like Atama, those scores are not really trackable for your top performances list. So could you tell us how well are you able to play them in general or Atama was pure luck?
  15. A: My performance on other ar 9 maps like rainbow dash or Kokou no Sousei is "ok". But I think I'll need a good day to fc those, just like with atama.
  17. Q: At the same time it might be that you didn't find Atama to be a particularly difficult score, it's naturally subjective. Then I'll ask directly what you think is your best score?
  19. A: I think atama is really difficult. It's not like I could fc that everytime and it's one of my best scores.
  21. Q: You do have a number of elite scores honestly, the only thing they are lacking though is higher accuracy in order to make you a legend. Looks like it's a well-known issue for you. How are you addressing it at the moment and what is the hardest pattern for you to acc on?
  23. A: Acc was always a huge problem for me especially on low bpm and technical stream maps or stream maps in general. So I try to play these maps a lot and practice my soundreading with hidden. With soundreading I mean listening more to the music instead of concentrating on approach circles.
  25. Q: I can see that your are proficient in nomod and hardrock, even FC'ed retina, and you also have some average DT scores. What are your weaker sides though?
  27. A: Hidden is definitly my biggest weakness when it comes to mods. Low bpm streams and technical stream maps like high noon are also a big problem for me.
  29. Q: Currently your rank seems to be decaying. Do you have any current goal in osu!?
  31. A: No, I dont have any goal left in osu. Maybe fcing really old difficult maps like Kokou no Sousei/rainbow dash and matzcore. But most of the time I just play songs/maps I like.
  33. Q: Not sure if you have anything to say about the question, but I'd like to ask about quite a questionable osu! figure WhiteCat. It looks like he is one of the top german players at the moment (for example, he FC'ed Atama several months ago, with worse acc though) however the majority of reddit beilives he is a cheater. I would like to know what's the german national community attitude to him.
  35. A. I remember watching his Dan dan liveplay and at the end he said "600pp... I am such a god" or something like that. So I dont think very highly of him. He got banned for cheating on ripple and the official servers, so I think its self-explanatory.
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