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  1. " .vimrc
  2. "
  3. " mfukar's .vimrc
  4. "
  5. " 2009 Jun 16
  6. "
  7. " This vimrc is divided into these sections:
  8. "
  9. " * Terminal Settings
  10. " * User Interface
  11. " * Text Formatting -- General
  12. " * Text Formatting -- Specific File Formats
  13. " * Search & Replace
  14. " * Spelling
  15. " * Keystrokes -- Moving Around
  16. " * Keystrokes -- Formatting
  17. " * Keystrokes -- Toggles
  18. " * Keystrokes -- Insert Mode
  19. " * Keystrokes -- For HTML Files
  20. " * `SLRN' Behaviour
  21. " * Functions Referred to Above
  22. " * Automatic Code Completion
  23. "
  24. " This file contains no control codes and no `top bit set' characters above the
  25. " normal Ascii range, and all lines contain a maximum of 89 characters. With a
  26. " bit of luck, this should make it resilient to being uploaded, downloaded,
  27. " e-mailed, posted, encoded, decoded, transmitted by morse code, or whatever.
  30. " first clear any existing autocommands:
  31. autocmd!
  34. " * Terminal Settings
  36. " `XTerm', `RXVT', `Gnome Terminal', and `Konsole' all claim to be "xterm";
  37. " `KVT' claims to be "xterm-color":
  38. if &term =~ 'xterm'
  40. " `Gnome Terminal' fortunately sets $COLORTERM; it needs <BkSpc> and <Del>
  41. " fixing, and it has a bug which causes spurious "c"s to appear, which can be
  42. " fixed by unsetting t_RV:
  43. "if $COLORTERM == 'gnome-terminal'
  44. "execute 'set t_kb=' . nr2char(8)
  45. " [Char 8 is <Ctrl>+H.]
  46. "fixdel
  47. "set t_RV=
  49. " `XTerm', `Konsole', and `KVT' all also need <BkSpc> and <Del> fixing;
  50. " there's no easy way of distinguishing these terminals from other things
  51. " that claim to be "xterm", but `RXVT' sets $COLORTERM to "rxvt" and these
  52. " don't:
  53. if $COLORTERM == ''
  54. execute 'set t_kb=' . nr2char(8)
  55. fixdel
  57. " The above won't work if an `XTerm' or `KVT' is started from within a `Gnome
  58. " Terminal' or an `RXVT': the $COLORTERM setting will propagate; it's always
  59. " OK with `Konsole' which explicitly sets $COLORTERM to "".
  61. endif
  62. endif
  65. " * User Interface
  67. " Easy Tag List plugin on/off switching.
  68. "function! TagListToggle()
  69. " silent execute ":TlistToggle"
  70. "endfunction
  71. "command! -complete=command TLT call TagListToggle()
  73. " Added tags for quickly jumping around C, Python code.
  74. set tags+=$HOME/.vim/tags/c.ctags
  75. set tags+=$HOME/.vim/tags/python.ctags
  77. " have syntax highlighting in terminals which can display colours:
  78. if has('syntax') && (&t_Co > 2)
  79. syntax on
  80. endif
  82. " have fifty lines of command-line (etc) history:
  83. set history=50
  84. " remember all of these between sessions, but only 10 search terms; also
  85. " remember info for 10 files, but never any on removable disks, don't remember
  86. " marks in files, don't rehighlight old search patterns, and only save up to
  87. " 100 lines of registers; including @10 in there should restrict input buffer
  88. " but it causes an error for me:
  89. set viminfo=/10,'10,r/mnt/zip,r/mnt/floppy,f0,h,\"100
  91. " have command-line completion <Tab> (for filenames, help topics, option names)
  92. " first list the available options and complete the longest common part, then
  93. " have further <Tab>s cycle through the possibilities:
  94. set wildmode=list:longest,full
  96. " use "[RO]" for "[readonly]" to save space in the message line:
  97. set shortmess+=r
  99. " display the current mode and partially-typed commands in the status line:
  100. set showmode
  101. set showcmd
  103. " when using list, keep tabs at their full width and display `arrows':
  104. execute 'set listchars+=tab:' . nr2char(187) . nr2char(183)
  105. " (Character 187 is a right double-chevron, and 183 a mid-dot.)
  107. " have the mouse enabled all the time:
  108. set mouse=a
  110. " don't have files trying to override this .vimrc:
  111. set nomodeline
  114. " * Text Formatting -- General
  116. " don't make it look like there are line breaks where there aren't:
  117. set nowrap
  119. " use line numbering
  120. set nu
  122. " use tabs, and have them copied down lines:
  123. " set shiftwidth=8
  124. " set shiftround
  125. " set expandtab
  126. set autoindent
  128. " normally don't automatically format `text' as it is typed, IE only do this
  129. " with comments, at 89 characters:
  130. set formatoptions-=t
  131. set textwidth=89
  133. " treat lines starting with a quote mark as comments (for `Vim' files, such as
  134. " this very one!), and colons as well so that reformatting usenet messages from
  135. " `Tin' users works OK:
  136. set comments+=b:\"
  137. set comments+=n::
  140. " * Text Formatting -- Specific File Formats
  142. " enable filetype detection:
  143. filetype on
  145. " recognize anything in my .Postponed directory as a news article, and anything
  146. " at all with a .txt extension as being human-language text [this clobbers the
  147. " `help' filetype, but that doesn't seem to prevent help from working
  148. " properly]:
  149. augroup filetype
  150. autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead */.Postponed/* set filetype=mail
  151. autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.txt set filetype=human
  152. augroup END
  154. " in human-language files, automatically format everything at 72 chars:
  155. autocmd FileType mail,human set formatoptions+=t textwidth=72
  157. " for C-like programming, have automatic indentation:
  158. autocmd FileType c,cpp,slang set cindent
  160. " for actual C (not C++) programming where comments have explicit end
  161. " characters, if starting a new line in the middle of a comment automatically
  162. " insert the comment leader characters:
  163. autocmd FileType c set formatoptions+=ro
  165. " for Perl programming, have things in braces indenting themselves:
  166. autocmd FileType perl set smartindent
  168. " for CSS, also have things in braces indented:
  169. autocmd FileType css set smartindent
  171. " for HTML, generally format text, but if a long line has been created leave it
  172. " alone when editing:
  173. autocmd FileType html set formatoptions+=tl
  175. " for both CSS and HTML, use genuine tab characters for indentation, to make
  176. " files a few bytes smaller:
  177. autocmd FileType html,css set noexpandtab tabstop=2
  179. " in makefiles, don't expand tabs to spaces, since actual tab characters are
  180. " needed, and have indentation at 8 chars to be sure that all indents are tabs
  181. " (despite the mappings later):
  182. autocmd FileType make set noexpandtab shiftwidth=8
  185. " * Search & Replace
  187. " make searches case-insensitive, unless they contain upper-case letters:
  188. set ignorecase
  189. set smartcase
  191. " show the `best match so far' as search strings are typed:
  192. set incsearch
  194. " assume the /g flag on :s substitutions to replace all matches in a line:
  195. set gdefault
  198. " * Spelling
  200. " define `Ispell' language and personal dictionary, used in several places
  201. " below:
  202. let IspellLang = 'british'
  203. let PersonalDict = '~/.ispell_' . IspellLang
  205. " try to avoid misspelling words in the first place -- have the insert mode
  206. " <Ctrl>+N/<Ctrl>+P keys perform completion on partially-typed words by
  207. " checking the Linux word list and the personal `Ispell' dictionary; sort out
  208. " case sensibly (so that words at starts of sentences can still be completed
  209. " with words that are in the dictionary all in lower case):
  210. execute 'set dictionary+=' . PersonalDict
  211. set dictionary+=/usr/dict/words
  212. set complete=.,w,k
  213. set infercase
  215. " correct my common typos without me even noticing them:
  216. abbreviate teh the
  217. abbreviate spolier spoiler
  218. abbreviate Comny Conmy
  219. abbreviate atmoic atomic
  221. " Spell checking operations are defined next. They are all set to normal mode
  222. " keystrokes beginning \s but function keys are also mapped to the most common
  223. " ones. The functions referred to are defined at the end of this .vimrc.
  225. " \si ("spelling interactive") saves the current file then spell checks it
  226. " interactively through `Ispell' and reloads the corrected version:
  227. execute 'nnoremap \si :w<CR>:!ispell -x -d ' . IspellLang . ' %<CR>:e<CR><CR>'
  229. " \sl ("spelling list") lists all spelling mistakes in the current buffer,
  230. " but excludes any in news/mail headers or in ("> ") quoted text:
  231. execute 'nnoremap \sl :w ! grep -v "^>" <Bar> grep -E -v "^[[:alpha:]-]+: " ' .
  232. \ '<Bar> ispell -l -d ' . IspellLang . ' <Bar> sort <Bar> uniq<CR>'
  234. " \sh ("spelling highlight") highlights (in red) all misspelt words in the
  235. " current buffer, and also excluding the possessive forms of any valid words
  236. " (EG "Lizzy's" won't be highlighted if "Lizzy" is in the dictionary); with
  237. " mail and news messages it ignores headers and quoted text; for HTML it
  238. " ignores tags and only checks words that will appear, and turns off other
  239. " syntax highlighting to make the errors more apparent [function at end of
  240. " file]:
  241. nnoremap \sh :call HighlightSpellingErrors()<CR><CR>
  242. nmap <F9> \sh
  244. " \sc ("spelling clear") clears all highlighted misspellings; for HTML it
  245. " restores regular syntax highlighting:
  246. nnoremap \sc :if &ft == 'html' <Bar> sy on <Bar>
  247. \ else <Bar> :sy clear SpellError <Bar> endif<CR>
  248. nmap <F10> \sc
  250. " \sa ("spelling add") adds the word at the cursor position to the personal
  251. " dictionary (but for possessives adds the base word, so that when the cursor
  252. " is on "Ceri's" only "Ceri" gets added to the dictionary), and stops
  253. " highlighting that word as an error (if appropriate) [function at end of
  254. " file]:
  255. nnoremap \sa :call AddWordToDictionary()<CR><CR>
  256. nmap <F8> \sa
  259. " * Keystrokes -- Moving Around
  261. " have the h and l cursor keys wrap between lines (like <Space> and <BkSpc> do
  262. " by default), and ~ covert case over line breaks; also have the cursor keys
  263. " wrap in insert mode:
  264. set whichwrap=h,l,~,[,]
  266. " page down with <Space> (like in `Lynx', `Mutt', `Pine', `Netscape Navigator',
  267. " `SLRN', `Less', and `More'); page up with - (like in `Lynx', `Mutt', `Pine'),
  268. " or <BkSpc> (like in `Netscape Navigator'):
  269. noremap <Space> <PageDown>
  270. noremap <BS> <PageUp>
  271. noremap - <PageUp>
  272. " [<Space> by default is like l, <BkSpc> like h, and - like k.]
  274. " scroll the window (but leaving the cursor in the same place) by a couple of
  275. " lines up/down with <Ins>/<Del> (like in `Lynx'):
  276. noremap <Ins> 2<C-Y>
  277. noremap <Del> 2<C-E>
  278. " [<Ins> by default is like i, and <Del> like x.]
  280. " use <F6> to cycle through split windows (and <Shift>+<F6> to cycle backwards,
  281. " where possible):
  282. nnoremap <F6> <C-W>w
  283. nnoremap <S-F6> <C-W>W
  285. " use <Ctrl>+N/<Ctrl>+P to cycle through files:
  286. nnoremap <C-N> :next<CR>
  287. nnoremap <C-P> :prev<CR>
  288. " [<Ctrl>+N by default is like j, and <Ctrl>+P like k.]
  290. " have % bounce between angled brackets, as well as t'other kinds:
  291. set matchpairs+=<:>
  293. " have <F1> prompt for a help topic, rather than displaying the introduction
  294. " page, and have it do this from any mode:
  295. nnoremap <F1> :help<Space>
  296. vmap <F1> <C-C><F1>
  297. omap <F1> <C-C><F1>
  298. map! <F1> <C-C><F1>
  301. " * Keystrokes -- Formatting
  303. " have Q reformat the current paragraph (or selected text if there is any):
  304. nnoremap Q gqap
  305. vnoremap Q gq
  307. " have the usual indentation keystrokes still work in visual mode:
  308. vnoremap <C-T> >
  309. vnoremap <C-D> <LT>
  310. vmap <Tab> <C-T>
  311. vmap <S-Tab> <C-D>
  313. " have Y behave analogously to D and C rather than to dd and cc (which is
  314. " already done by yy):
  315. noremap Y y$
  318. " * Keystrokes -- Toggles
  320. " Keystrokes to toggle options are defined here. They are all set to normal
  321. " mode keystrokes beginning \t but some function keys (which won't work in all
  322. " terminals) are also mapped.
  324. " have \tp ("toggle paste") toggle paste on/off and report the change, and
  325. " where possible also have <F4> do this both in normal and insert mode:
  326. nnoremap \tp :set invpaste paste?<CR>
  327. nmap <F4> \tp
  328. imap <F4> <C-O>\tp
  329. set pastetoggle=<F4>
  331. " have \tf ("toggle format") toggle the automatic insertion of line breaks
  332. " during typing and report the change:
  333. nnoremap \tf :if &fo =~ 't' <Bar> set fo-=t <Bar> else <Bar> set fo+=t <Bar>
  334. \ endif <Bar> set fo?<CR>
  335. nmap <F3> \tf
  336. imap <F3> <C-O>\tf
  338. " have \tl ("toggle list") toggle list on/off and report the change:
  339. nnoremap \tl :set invlist list?<CR>
  340. nmap <F2> \tl
  342. " have \th ("toggle highlight") toggle highlighting of search matches, and
  343. " report the change:
  344. nnoremap \th :set invhls hls?<CR>
  347. " * Keystrokes -- Insert Mode
  349. " allow <BkSpc> to delete line breaks, beyond the start of the current
  350. " insertion, and over indentations:
  351. set backspace=eol,start,indent
  353. " have <Tab> (and <Shift>+<Tab> where it works) change the level of
  354. " indentation:
  355. inoremap <Tab> <C-T>
  356. inoremap <S-Tab> <C-D>
  357. " [<Ctrl>+V <Tab> still inserts an actual tab character.]
  359. " abbreviations:
  360. iabbrev lorem Loremipsumdolorsitamet,consecteturadipisicingelit,seddoeiusmodtemporincididuntutlaboreetdoloremagnaaliqua.Utenimadminimveniam,quisnostrudexercitationullamcolaborisnisiutaliquipexeacommodoconsequat.Duisauteiruredolorinreprehenderitinvoluptatevelitessecillumdoloreeufugiatnullapariatur.Excepteursintoccaecatcupidatatnonproident,suntinculpaquiofficiadeseruntmollitanimidestlaborum.
  361. iabbrev hse he/she
  362. iabbrev mf mfukar
  365. " * Keystrokes -- For HTML Files
  367. " Some automatic HTML tag insertion operations are defined next. They are
  368. " allset to normal mode keystrokes beginning \h. Insert mode function keys are
  369. " also defined, for terminals where they work. The functions referred to are
  370. " defined at the end of this .vimrc.
  372. " \hc ("HTML close") inserts the tag needed to close the current HTML construct
  373. " [function at end of file]:
  374. nnoremap \hc :call InsertCloseTag()<CR>
  375. imap <F8> <Space><BS><Esc>\hca
  377. " \hp ("HTML previous") copies the previous (non-closing) HTML tag in full,
  378. " including attributes; repeating this straight away removes that tag and
  379. " copies the one before it [function at end of file]:
  380. nnoremap \hp :call RepeatTag(0)<CR>
  381. imap <F9> <Space><BS><Esc>\hpa
  382. " \hn ("HTML next") does the same thing, but copies the next tag; so \hp and
  383. " \hn can be used to cycle backwards and forwards through the tags in the file
  384. " (like <Ctrl>+P and <Ctrl>+N do for insert mode completion):
  385. nnoremap \hn :call RepeatTag(1)<CR>
  386. imap <F10> <Space><BS><Esc>\hna
  388. " there are other key mappings that it's useful to have for typing HTML
  389. " character codes, but that are definitely not wanted in other files (unlike
  390. " the above, which won't do any harm), so only map these when entering an HTML
  391. " file and unmap them on leaving it:
  392. autocmd BufEnter * if &filetype == "html" | call MapHTMLKeys() | endif
  393. function! MapHTMLKeys(...)
  394. " sets up various insert mode key mappings suitable for typing HTML, and
  395. " automatically removes them when switching to a non-HTML buffer
  397. " if no parameter, or a non-zero parameter, set up the mappings:
  398. if a:0 == 0 || a:1 != 0
  400. " require two backslashes to get one:
  401. inoremap \\ \
  403. " then use backslash followed by various symbols insert HTML characters:
  404. inoremap \& &amp;
  405. inoremap \< &lt;
  406. inoremap \> &gt;
  407. inoremap \. &middot;
  409. " em dash -- have \- always insert an em dash, and also have _ do it if
  410. " ever typed as a word on its own, but not in the middle of other words:
  411. inoremap \- &#8212;
  412. iabbrev _ &#8212;
  414. " hard space with <Ctrl>+Space, and \<Space> for when that doesn't work:
  415. inoremap \<Space> &nbsp;
  416. imap <C-Space> \<Space>
  418. " have the normal open and close single quote keys producing the character
  419. " codes that will produce nice curved quotes (and apostophes) on both Unix
  420. " and Windows:
  421. inoremap ` &#8216;
  422. inoremap ' &#8217;
  423. " then provide the original functionality with preceding backslashes:
  424. inoremap \` `
  425. inoremap \' '
  427. " curved double open and closed quotes (2 and " are the same key for me):
  428. inoremap \2 &#8220;
  429. inoremap \" &#8221;
  431. " when switching to a non-HTML buffer, automatically undo these mappings:
  432. autocmd! BufLeave * call MapHTMLKeys(0)
  434. " parameter of zero, so want to unmap everything:
  435. else
  436. iunmap \\
  437. iunmap \&
  438. iunmap \<
  439. iunmap \>
  440. iunmap \-
  441. iunabbrev _
  442. iunmap \<Space>
  443. iunmap <C-Space>
  444. iunmap `
  445. iunmap '
  446. iunmap \`
  447. iunmap \'
  448. iunmap \2
  449. iunmap \"
  451. " once done, get rid of the autocmd that called this:
  452. autocmd! BufLeave *
  454. endif " test for mapping/unmapping
  456. endfunction " MapHTMLKeys()
  459. " * `SLRN' Behaviour
  461. " when using `SLRN' to compose a new news article without a signature, the
  462. " cursor will be at the end of the file, the blank line after the header, so
  463. " duplicate this line ready to start typing on; when composing a new article
  464. " with a signature, `SLRN' includes an appropriate blank line but places the
  465. " cursor on the following one, so move it up one line [if re-editing a
  466. " partially-composed article, `SLRN' places the cursor on the top line, so
  467. " neither of these will apply]:
  468. autocmd VimEnter .article if line('.') == line('$') | yank | put |
  469. \ elseif line('.') != 1 | -
  471. " when following up articles from people with long names and/or e-mail
  472. " addresses, the `SLRN'-generated attribution line can have over 80 characters,
  473. " which will then cause `SLRN' to complain when trying to post it(!), so if
  474. " editing a followup for the first time, reformat the line (then put the cursor
  475. " back):
  476. autocmd VimEnter .followup if line('.') != 1 | normal gq${j
  479. " * Functions Referred to Above
  481. function! HighlightSpellingErrors()
  482. " highlights spelling errors in the current window; used for the \sh operation
  483. " defined above;
  484. " requires the ispell, sort, and uniq commands to be in the path;
  485. " requires the global variable IspellLang to be defined above, and to contain
  486. " the preferred `Ispell' language;
  487. " for mail/news messages, requires the grep command to be in the path;
  488. " for HTML documents, saves the file to disk and requires the lynx command to
  489. " be in the path
  490. "
  491. " by Smylers
  492. " (inspired by Krishna Gadepalli and Neil Schemenauer's
  493. "
  494. " 2000 Jun 1: for `Vim' 5.6
  496. " for HTML files, remove all current syntax highlighting (so that
  497. " misspellings show up clearly), and note it's HTML for future reference:
  498. if &filetype == 'html'
  499. let HTML = 1
  500. syntax clear
  502. " for everything else, simply remove any previously-identified spelling
  503. " errors (and corrections):
  504. else
  505. let HTML = 0
  506. if hlexists('SpellError')
  507. syntax clear SpellError
  508. endif
  509. if hlexists('Normal')
  510. syntax clear Normal
  511. endif
  512. endif
  514. " form a command that has the text to be checked piping through standard
  515. " output; for HTML files this involves saving the current file and processing
  516. " it with `Lynx'; for everything else, use all the buffer except quoted text
  517. " and mail/news headers:
  518. if HTML
  519. write
  520. let PipeCmd = '! lynx --dump --nolist % |'
  521. else
  522. let PipeCmd = 'write !'
  523. if &filetype == 'mail'
  524. let PipeCmd = PipeCmd . ' grep -v "^> " | grep -E -v "^[[:alpha:]-]+:" |'
  525. endif
  526. endif
  528. " execute that command, then generate a unique list of misspelt words and
  529. " store it in a temporary file:
  530. let ErrorsFile = tempname()
  531. execute PipeCmd . ' ispell -l -d '. g:IspellLang .
  532. \ ' | sort | uniq > ' . ErrorsFile
  534. " open that list of words in another window:
  535. execute 'split ' . ErrorsFile
  537. " for every word in that list ending with "'s", check if the root form
  538. " without the "'s" is in the dictionary, and if so remove the word from the
  539. " list:
  540. global /'s$/ execute 'read ! echo ' . expand('<cword>') .
  541. \ ' | ispell -l -d ' . g:IspellLang | delete
  542. " (If the root form is in the dictionary, ispell -l will have no output so
  543. " nothing will be read in, the cursor will remain in the same place and the
  544. " :delete will delete the word from the list. If the root form is not in the
  545. " dictionary, then ispell -l will output it and it will be read on to a new
  546. " line; the delete command will then remove that misspelt root form, leaving
  547. " the original possessive form in the list!)
  549. " only do anything if there are some misspellings:
  550. if strlen(getline('.')) > 0
  552. " if (previously noted as) HTML, replace each non-alphanum char with a
  553. " regexp that matches either that char or a &...; entity:
  554. if HTML
  555. % substitute /\W/\\(&\\|\&\\(#\\d\\{2,4}\\|\w\\{2,8}\\);\\)/e
  556. endif
  558. " turn each mistake into a `Vim' command to place it in the SpellError
  559. " syntax highlighting group:
  560. % substitute /^/syntax match SpellError !\\</
  561. % substitute /$/\\>!/
  562. endif
  564. " save and close that file (so switch back to the one being checked):
  565. exit
  567. " make syntax highlighting case-sensitive, then execute all the match
  568. " commands that have just been set up in that temporary file, delete it, and
  569. " highlight all those words in red:
  570. syntax case match
  571. execute 'source ' . ErrorsFile
  572. call delete(ErrorsFile)
  573. highlight SpellError term=reverse ctermfg=DarkRed guifg=Red
  575. " with HTML, don't mark any errors in e-mail addresses or URLs, and ignore
  576. " anything marked in a fix-width font (as being computer code):
  577. if HTML
  578. syntax case ignore
  579. syntax match Normal !\<[[:alnum:]._-]\+@[[:alnum:]._-]\+\.\a\+\>!
  580. syntax match Normal
  581. \ !\<\(ht\|f\)tp://[-[:alnum:].]\+\a\(/[-_.[:alnum:]/#&=,]*\)\=\>!
  582. syntax region Normal start=!<Pre>! end=!</Pre>!
  583. syntax region Normal start=!<Code>! end=!</Code>!
  584. syntax region Normal start=!<Kbd>! end=!</Kbd>!
  585. endif
  587. endfunction " HighlightSpellingErrors()
  590. function! AddWordToDictionary()
  591. " adds the word under the cursor to the personal dictonary; used for the \sa
  592. " operation defined above;
  593. " requires the global variable PersonalDict to be defined above, and to contain
  594. " the `Ispell' personal dictionary;
  595. "
  596. " by Smylers
  597. "
  598. " 2000 Apr 30: for `Vim' 5.6
  600. " get the word under the cursor, including the apostrophe as a word character
  601. " to allow for words like "won't", but then ignoring any apostrophes at the
  602. " start or end of the word:
  603. set iskeyword+='
  604. let Word = substitute(expand('<cword>'), "^'\\+", '', '')
  605. let Word = substitute(Word, "'\\+$", '', '')
  606. set iskeyword-='
  608. " override any SpellError highlighting that might exist for this word,
  609. " `highlighting' it as normal text:
  610. execute 'syntax match Normal #\<' . Word . '\>#'
  612. " remove any final "'s" so that possessive forms don't end up in the
  613. " dictionary, then add the word to the dictionary:
  614. let Word = substitute(Word, "'s$", '', '')
  615. execute '!echo "' . Word . '" >> ' . g:PersonalDict
  617. endfunction " AddWordToDictionary()
  620. function! InsertCloseTag()
  621. " inserts the appropriate closing HTML tag; used for the \hc operation defined
  622. " above;
  623. " requires ignorecase to be set, or to type HTML tags in exactly the same case
  624. " that I do;
  625. " doesn't treat <P> as something that needs closing;
  626. " clobbers register z and mark z
  627. "
  628. " by Smylers
  629. " 2000 May 4
  631. if &filetype == 'html'
  633. " list of tags which shouldn't be closed:
  634. let UnaryTags = ' Area Base Br DD DT HR Img Input LI Link Meta P Param '
  636. " remember current position:
  637. normal mz
  639. " loop backwards looking for tags:
  640. let Found = 0
  641. while Found == 0
  642. " find the previous <, then go forwards one character and grab the first
  643. " character plus the entire word:
  644. execute "normal ?\<LT>\<CR>l"
  645. normal "zyl
  646. let Tag = expand('<cword>')
  648. " if this is a closing tag, skip back to its matching opening tag:
  649. if @z == '/'
  650. execute "normal ?\<LT>" . Tag . "\<CR>"
  652. " if this is a unary tag, then position the cursor for the next
  653. " iteration:
  654. elseif match(UnaryTags, ' ' . Tag . ' ') > 0
  655. normal h
  657. " otherwise this is the tag that needs closing:
  658. else
  659. let Found = 1
  661. endif
  662. endwhile " not yet found match
  664. " create the closing tag and insert it:
  665. let @z = '</' . Tag . '>'
  666. normal `z
  667. if col('.') == 1
  668. normal "zP
  669. else
  670. normal "zp
  671. endif
  673. else " filetype is not HTML
  674. echohl ErrorMsg
  675. echo 'The InsertCloseTag() function is only intended to be used in HTML ' .
  676. \ 'files.'
  677. sleep
  678. echohl None
  680. endif " check on filetype
  682. endfunction " InsertCloseTag()
  685. function! RepeatTag(Forward)
  686. " repeats a (non-closing) HTML tag from elsewhere in the document; call
  687. " repeatedly until the correct tag is inserted (like with insert mode <Ctrl>+P
  688. " and <Ctrl>+N completion), with Forward determining whether to copy forwards
  689. " or backwards through the file; used for the \hp and \hn operations defined
  690. " above;
  691. " requires preservation of marks i and j;
  692. " clobbers register z
  693. "
  694. " by Smylers
  695. "
  696. " 2000 May 4: for `Vim' 5.6
  698. if &filetype == 'html'
  700. " if the cursor is where this function left it, then continue from there:
  701. if line('.') == line("'i") && col('.') == col("'i")
  702. " delete the tag inserted last time:
  703. if col('.') == strlen(getline('.'))
  704. normal dF<x
  705. else
  706. normal dF<x
  707. if col('.') != 1
  708. normal h
  709. endif
  710. endif
  711. " note the cursor position, then jump to where the deleted tag was found:
  712. normal mi`j
  714. " otherwise, just store the cursor position (in mark i):
  715. else
  716. normal mi
  717. endif
  719. if a:Forward
  720. let SearchCmd = '/'
  721. else
  722. let SearchCmd = '?'
  723. endif
  725. " find the next non-closing tag (in the appropriate direction), note where
  726. " it is (in mark j) in case this function gets called again, then yank it
  727. " and paste a copy at the original cursor position, and store the final
  728. " cursor position (in mark i) for use next time round:
  729. execute "normal " . SearchCmd . "<[^/>].\\{-}>\<CR>mj\"zyf>`i"
  730. if col('.') == 1
  731. normal "zP
  732. else
  733. normal "zp
  734. endif
  735. normal mi
  737. else " filetype is not HTML
  738. echohl ErrorMsg
  739. echo 'The RepeatTag() function is only intended to be used in HTML files.'
  740. sleep
  741. echohl None
  743. endif
  745. endfunction " RepeatTag()
  747. " Automatic code completion commands, plugins and scripts
  749. " Auto-close parenthesis, single and double quotes, brackets and curly brackets.
  750. autocmd FileType python inoremap ( ()<Esc>i
  751. autocmd FileType python inoremap ' ''<Esc>i
  752. " For .vimrc style comments this should be disabled.
  753. autocmd FileType python inoremap " ""<Esc>i
  754. " For bash scripts, space properly.
  755. autocmd FileType python inoremap [ []<Esc>i
  757. " For C style function body definition this should be expanded.
  758. " autocmd FileType python inoremap { {}<Esc>i
  759. " C style function definition curly braces.
  760. " autocmd FileType c,cpp,java inoremap { {<CR>}<Esc>i<Up><End><CR><Tab>
  762. filetype plugin on
  763. let g:pydiction_location = '/home/mfukar/.vim/pydiction/complete-dict'
  764. let g:pydiction_menu_height = 20
  766. "Remove the Windows ^M
  767. "noremap <Leader>m mmHmt:%s/<C-V><cr>//ge<cr>'tzt'm
  768. "Remove indenting on empty lines
  769. "map <F2> :%s/\s*$//g<cr>:noh<cr>''
  771. " end of mfukar's .vimrc
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