
dog facts

Apr 17th, 2024
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  1. [`Puppies love games such as hide and seek! Hide and call their name so they can try to find you.`,
  2. `Some dogs can learn more than 1,000 words.`,
  3. `Big, happy “helicopter” tail wagging is one sign of a really nice dog.`,
  4. `Upright, stiff, rapid tail movement is not wagging or “friendly” but indicates a dog who’s rather excited and focused.`,
  5. `Puppies grow to half their body weight in the first four to five months!`,
  6. `Puppies then take a year or more to gain the other half of their body weight.`,
  7. `Puppies can sleep 18 to 20 hours a day during that rapid body growth phase.`,
  8. `Dogs sometimes appear to smile — much like humans — with open mouth grinning. This may indicate a relaxed, submissive state.`,
  9. `Tired puppies get cranky just like little kids. If you have a fussy puppy, try nap time.`,
  10. `The fastest breed, the Greyhound, can run up to 46 miles per hour.`,
  11. `Perky-eared dogs hear sounds better than floppy-eared dogs.`,
  12. `There are about 400 million dogs in the world.`,
  13. `The Labrador Retriever is the most popular breed, according to the American Kennel Club.`,
  14. `Dogs have dreams.`,
  15. `The average dog lives 10 to 14 years.`,
  16. `In general, smaller breeds live longer than larger breeds.`,
  17. `The world’s oldest breed, the Saluki, originated in Egypt around 329 B.C.`,
  18. `According to a study shared by Cornell University, dogs were domesticated between 9,000 and 34,000 years ago.`,
  19. `Thomas Jefferson helped enact a dog tax in Virginia because he was annoyed that dogs were killing his sheep.`,
  20. `Stroking dogs and gazing into their eyes releases the “feel good” hormone oxytocin for both people and dogs.`,
  21. `Dogs are omnivores — they eat meat, grains, and vegetables.`,
  22. `The heaviest breed, the Mastiff, weighs about 200 pounds.`,
  23. `More than half of all U.S. presidents have owned dogs.`,
  24. `President Calvin Coolidge owned at least a dozen dogs.`,
  25. `Just like human fingerprints, no two dogs’ nose prints are alike.`,
  26. `At about six inches, the Chihuahua is the shortest breed.`,
  27. `Irish Wolfhounds, the tallest breed, are 30 to 35 inches tall.`,
  28. `A Russian dog named Laika was the first animal in space, traveling around Earth in 1957.`,
  29. `Dogs who bark the most: Beagles, Chihuahuas, Miniature Schnauzers, Yorkshire Terriers, Pomeranians, and West Highland White Terriers.`,
  30. `Puppies have 28 teeth, and adult dogs have 42.`,
  31. `The best age to bring a puppy home is 6 to 12 to 14 weeks.`,
  32. `Dogs can see best at dawn and dusk.`,
  33. `Dogs aren’t colorblind but their eyes don’t have receptors for red. They see in shades of black and white and also in shades of blue and yellow.`,
  34. `New puppies have heat sensors in their noses to help find their moms while their eyes and ears are closed.`,
  35. `A dog’s sense of smell is reduced by up to 40 percent when he’s overheated and panting.`,
  36. `Dogs have 1,700 taste buds, compared to humans’ 9,000.`,
  37. `Bichons, Portuguese Water Dogs, Kerry Blue Terriers, Maltese, and Poodles are among some of the best choices for people with allergies since they shed less than other breeds.`,
  38. `About 69 million households in the U.S. have a dog.`,
  39. `The average number of puppies in a litter is about five.`,
  40. `There are nearly 3,500 brick and mortar animal shelters in the U.S.`,
  41. `Service dogs are recognized in the U.S. as “necessary medical equipment.”`,
  42. `Therapy dogs, who bring healing to individuals and families by visiting hospitals, schools, or retirement homes, differ from service dogs who assist individuals who have disabilities.`,
  43. `The Newfoundland has a water-resistant coat and webbed feet.`,
  44. `As Disney’s Cruella De Vil was aware, Dalmatian puppies are born pure white and develop spots as they grow older.`,
  45. `Dogs sweat through the pads of their feet.`,
  46. `Dogs have three eyelids, including one to keep their eyes moist and protected.`,
  47. `Chow Chows are born with pink tongues, which turn blue-black at eight to 10 weeks.`,
  48. `Dogs are pack animals — they don’t enjoy being alone.`,
  49. `In ancient China, people kept warm by putting dogs up their sleeves.`,
  50. `Dogs who have been spayed or neutered live longer than intact dogs.`,
  51. `A bloodhound named Tigger holds the record for the longest ears, each measuring more than 13 inches.`,
  52. `Bingo is the name of the dog on the box of Cracker Jacks.`,
  53. `In 1969, Lassie was the first animal inducted into the Animal Hall of Fame.`,
  54. `The Alaskan Malamute can withstand temperatures as low as 70 degrees below zero.`,
  55. `Petting a dog can lower your blood pressure.`,
  56. `Stray dogs in Moscow have learned to ride the subway to find food.`,
  57. `Over half of dog owners include their dogs in annual holiday photos.`,
  58. `Although it was once illegal to keep dogs as pets in Iceland’s capital city, the laws have been relaxed.`,
  59. `President Lyndon Johnson’s Beagles were named Him and Her.`,
  60. `One unspayed female dog, her mate and their puppies can produce 67,000 puppies in six years.`,
  61. `The Basenji is the only barkless dog.`,
  62. `Dogs are direct descendants of wolves.`,
  63. `Puppies are blind, deaf, and toothless when born.`,
  64. `Dogs curl up to keep themselves warm and protect vital organs.`,
  65. `A dog’s sense of smell is 10,000 times stronger than a human’s.`,
  66. `The Norwegian Lundehund is the only dog with six toes on each foot.`,
  67. `Dogs can get jealous when their humans display affection toward someone or something else.`,
  68. `Dogs can be trained to detect cancer and other diseases in humans.`,
  69. `A dog’s whiskers are used as sensing devices.`,
  70. `Three of the 12 dogs on the Titanic survived.`,
  71. `There are about 10,000 dogs everyday in Amazon’s headquarters in Seattle.`,
  72. `The U.S. has the highest dog population per capita in the world.`,
  73. `Rin Tin Tin was the first Hollywood dog star.`,
  74. `A dog’s average body temperature is between 101 to 102.5 degrees.`,
  75. `Many foot disorders in dogs are caused by long toenails.`,
  76. `The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts both offer merit badges in dog care.`,
  77. `The Bracco Italiano is the newest dog breed to be recognized by the American Kennel Club in 2022.`,
  78. `Paul McCartney of the Beatles recorded a high-pitched whistle at the end of “A Day in the Life” for his dog.`,
  79. `Bella, Luna, Lucy, Milo, and Max are among the most popular dog names.`,
  80. `Spiked dog collars were used to protect dogs’ throats from wolf attacks in ancient Greece.`,
  81. `Walt Disney’s family dog — named Sunnee — was the inspiration behind.`,]
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