
BWR - Changelog 29/08/2022

Aug 29th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Ubersaw
  2. + Removed SAW charge system
  3. + Added 20% faster deploy speed
  4. ~ Uber gained on hit scales based on current ubercharge
  5. - Uber on hit reduced by 1% for every 5% of your current ubercharge
  6. Removed janky SAW meter, instead making the saw provide diminishing returns on repeat swings. Consequently makes the saw less proficient at using the saw in an emergency escape with ubercharge. A deploy buff should make it slightly safer at more proactive attempts to gain uber.
  8. Diamondback
  9. + Removed disguise removal on draw
  10. + On knife kill and sapped building destroyed: Gain a 4 second mini-crit boost
  11. + Removed damage penalty
  12. + Crits no longer affect by range
  13. - Added -33% clip size
  14. - Weapon no longer stores crits
  15. Rather than storing crits, providing a short boost to damage on successful sap or stab would still make it good for escaping while caught out. Clip penalty instead of damage penalty ensures the boosted damage is potent while still capping Spy's damage potential as a downside with extended usage.
  17. Enforcer
  18. + Added 30% damage resistance while disguised
  19. + Reverted clip size
  20. + Now pierces sapper armor on sentries
  21. - Added 0.5 sec increase in time to cloak
  22. - Reverted firing speed penalty
  23. Intent on making the weapon more unique in how it alters your disguise and providing a tradeoff: maintain resistance with the disguise or trade it for a powerful shot and become more vulnerable. Additional returns its slower time to cloak in exchange for its boosts to disguise.
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