
nightbot goodbye

Jan 25th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. [`Farewell`,
  2. `So long`,
  3. `Goodbye`,
  4. `Cheerio`,
  5. `See you later`,
  6. `Take care`,
  7. `Until we meet again`,
  8. `Toodle-oo`,
  9. `Ciao`,
  10. `Au revoir`,
  11. `Adios`,
  12. `Sayonara`,
  13. `Bye-bye`,
  14. `Arrivederci`,
  15. `Catch you later`,
  16. `Peace out`,
  17. `Later gator`,
  18. `In a while, crocodile`,
  19. `Auf Wiedersehen`,
  20. `Hasta luego`,
  21. `Bon voyage`,
  22. `Godspeed`,
  23. `Till we meet again`,
  24. `Parting is such sweet sorrow`,
  25. `Goodnight`,
  26. `See you soon`,
  27. `Cheers`,
  28. `Goodbye for now`,
  29. `Tata`,
  30. `Take it easy`,
  31. `So long, farewell`,
  32. `Outta here`,
  33. `Catch you on the flip side`,
  34. `See you on the other side`,
  35. `Until next time`,
  36. `To infinity and beyond`,
  37. `Deuces`,
  38. `Keep it real`,
  39. `So long, partner`,
  40. `Take leave`,
  41. `Off I go`,
  42. `Later skater`,
  43. `Be on your way`,
  44. `Fly away`,
  45. `Hooroo`,
  46. `Gotta bounce`,
  47. `Walk the plank`,
  48. `Bon soir`,
  49. `Ta-ta for now`,
  50. `Off to the races`,
  51. `Be on your merry way`,
  52. `Fade away`,
  53. `Over and out`,
  54. `Leave no stone unturned`,
  55. `Eternal farewell`,
  56. `Bow out gracefully`,
  57. `On your marks, get set, go`,
  58. `Disappear like a ninja`,
  59. `Fare thee well, my heart`,
  60. `Withdraw gracefully`,
  61. `Hakuna Matata`,
  62. `Vanish into the ether`,
  63. `May the force be with you`,]
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