
MouseEasy interview

Dec 20th, 2017
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  1. Q: You are currently one of the strongest mouse players in the world and speaking from your avatar you are proud of it. Tell us how did you make this choice of the input device, have you tried tablet and which properties of your very own mouse are important for you?
  2. A: At start i just played with mouse because it was my default input device, but people started to praise my aim and how robotic it felt and i really started to like playing with mouse and that's the aspect that i like the most about mouse. The worst part about is is that mouse drift exists, and it really gets in your way on long or jumpy maps, so you gotta fix it in the middle of the song, and that leads to many misses.
  4. Q: This year Brazil has unexpectedly shown really high results in OWC. Earlier many people heard about you and thought that you were the only strong player on the team. But, even with such a strong performance, you wouldn't be able to carry your team so far into the brackets alone. Latin America is behind Europe and North America (and Asia) in the number of active osu players but Brazil stand on top of this list. Tell us how brazilian osu!community is different from the rest in your eyes and which players from your country you would like to highlight in this interview.
  5. A: I think that Brazil is always underrated in the owc, since we can play the easier parts of the tournament pretty reliably. Our team had pretty good players like fabriciorby, or Zekker, and they are pretty well-rounded players, which can help me carry our team in most maps. We always tend to create the most well-rounded team we can before the tournament, with 4 well-rounded players and 4 specific mod players, so that we can at least guarantee our way out of the Group Stages and RO16. Unfortunately we don't have high-tier players that can compete very well on the Quarter-Finals, since Fenrir wasn't playing and Favela had to be withdrawn of the tournament, but i guess we did a very solid run, almost defeating South Korea on the Losers Semi-Finals.
  7. Q: Besides playing mouse you are different from most players because you focus on tournament play instead of farming pp. I remember how talala is afraid of facing you in matches based on history team-based tournamets. Tell us why do you like tournaments so much and how do you train to play consistently.
  8. A: To train for tournament play i always focus on doing well on 5,5 to 6 star maps, because they are 80% of the maps that i usually have to play during a tournament, of course i can train for harder maps on the later stages but i already do it when i try hard for a rank or farm pp. I usually just farm pp when i feel like i'm getting behind the pack, so i reserve 1 or 2 hours to just get some pp and get back to playing normally.
  9. One tip that really helps to be consistent and well-rounded is to know your skills, you need to analyze yourself very well and know what you are good and bad at, try to get better on the things that you are bad and always play harder maps on things that you are already good at. It may seem simple but it is essential to improve your real skill, and avoid some plateau effects. Also, knowing to play a lot of things really helps you to be reliable on tournaments, i played all the maps during owc, for example. And the most important one is to challenge yourself to push beyond others. When i play against strong opponents i really get excited during the matches, and the more excited i am, the better i play, if you have the same feeling then you should be able to shine on tournaments.
  11. Q: Looks like recently you have started to farm pp, and reached 35W. Is it your peak rank? How far in the leaderboard are you willing to get? Also, what is your osu! end-game goal? 700pp score? top 10W? FC some specific maps?
  12. A: My peak rank was #32, i really don't plan on getting too far on the leaderboard, since i'm having the most fun with the game, tryharding for pp really gets you stressed and osu! is a game that i play to relax. Of course i wish i could climb better the leaderboards, but i really feel like i've completed my task on this game already. One goal that i had until this year was to complete FREEDOM DiVE [FOUR DIMENSIONS], and i cleared it this year, it was really satisfying.
  14. Q: This question is about preferable mapping style. Tell us what are you favoruite maps and mappers. Maybe you are also going to mention some fellows from the same continent.
  15. A: I prefer to play simple maps, but i don't have problem with some techno ones, even though i consider maps with a lot of sliders really hard. I don't really have a favourite mapper, but some maps that really caught my eye on the last year were Worminators's Cycle Hit and Smoothie World's Camellia - Feelin Sky (Camellia's "200step" Self-remix).
  17. Q: When you were not the legend of osu! mouse players, how in the top did you look up to and who from osu! players do you especially respect today?
  18. A: Cookiezi and WhiteWolf(now WubWoofWolf) were definitely the ones that i loved to look up on to, SilviA inspired me to have a really snappy aim and i also liked to watch fabriciorby play (he was already damn good when i started playing).
  20. Q: How did you learn about osu! in the first place and what advise would you give to newbies who want to get good at the game, especially the ones playing on mouse?
  21. A: I learned about osu! watching a video of a friend of mine playing it, and i downloaded it because it seemed really fun aiming at the notes at high speed (i thought playing on [Normal] difficulty was INSAAAANELY FAST!). Initially i thought that you were supposed just to aim, and not to click the notes, so i failed the tutorial a lot of times, and i wasn't very proficient at english at the time. I guess osu! tutorial should be at least translated to other languages, haha. For the newbies that wish to play with mouse: Don't be afraid, mouse won't let you down, it is as effective as a pen tablet, and you can definitely achieve high ranks with it (see Angelsim for example), but if you feel that mouse is the most fun for you, don't stop playing with it.
  23. Q: What's your opinion on anime and little anime girls? Have you watched some shows?
  24. A: I don't have an opinion on little anime girls (haha), but i've watched a lot of anime. My favorite shounen shows are Hunter x Hunter and One Piece (it takes 10 years to rewatch this thing!), and i'm waiting for a Steins;Gate sequel :(
  26. Q: An obligatory gatari ad question. How was your experience playing on a new, clean accounts and on an unofficial server?
  27. A: The most fun to me is setting an insane goal like 8000pp with 200 plays, or getting your plays recognized easily. I also liked a lot the Clans System, which made a lot of my friends interested on this server, as myself, and have to appreciate the amount of work put on this project.
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