

Jul 20th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. add_action('after_wcfm_articles_manage', function() {
  2.     ?>
  3.     <script>
  4.         jQuery(function($) {
  5.             function stripHTML(dirtyString) {
  6.                 return $("<div/>").html(dirtyString).text().trim();
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  8.             $( document.body ).on( 'wcfm_form_validate', function(event, elem) {
  9.                 //Restrictions
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  11.                 var MIN_CHARS_TITLE = 4;
  12.                 var TITLE_RESTRICTION_MSG = "Title must be between 4-20 characters";
  13.                 var MAX_CHARS_SHORT_DESCRIPTION = 200;
  14.                 var MIN_CHARS_SHORT_DESCRIPTION = 20;
  15.                 var SD_RESTRICTION_MSG = "Short description must be between 20-200 characters";
  16.                 var MAX_CHARS_DESCRIPTION = 500;
  17.                 var MIN_CHARS_DESCRIPTION = 50;
  18.                 var DESC_RESTRICTION_MSG = "Description must be between 50-500 characters";
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  20.                 var MIN_NUM_TAGS = 1;
  21.                 var TAGS_RESTRICTION_MSG = "Tag numbers must be between 1-10";
  22.                 var MAX_NUM_CATGS = 4;
  23.                 var MIN_NUM_CATGS = 1;
  24.                 var CATGS_RESTRICTION_MSG = "Category numbers must be between 1-4";
  25.                 var IMAGE_RESTRICTION_MSG = "Article image is mandatory";
  27.                 var $elem = $(elem);
  28.                 //article title restrictions
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  41.                 //article short description restrictions
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  49.                     $wcfm_is_valid_form = false;
  50.                 }
  52.                 //article description restrictions
  53.                 var description = stripHTML( getWCFMEditorContent( 'description' ) );
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  56.                         $('#' + $elem.attr('id') + ' .wcfm-message').html( '<span class="wcicon-status-cancelled"></span>' + DESC_RESTRICTION_MSG ).addClass('wcfm-error').slideDown();
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  58.                         $('#' + $elem.attr('id') + ' .wcfm-message').append( '<br /><span class="wcicon-status-cancelled"></span>' + DESC_RESTRICTION_MSG );
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  63.                 //article tags restrictions
  64.                 if($elem.find('textarea#article_tags').length) {
  65.                     var tags = $elem.find('textarea#article_tags').val().trim();
  66.                     if(!tags || tags.split(',').length > MAX_NUM_TAGS || tags.length < MIN_NUM_TAGS) {
  67.                         if( $wcfm_is_valid_form ) {
  68.                             $('#' + $elem.attr('id') + ' .wcfm-message').html( '<span class="wcicon-status-cancelled"></span>' + TAGS_RESTRICTION_MSG ).addClass('wcfm-error').slideDown();
  69.                         } else {
  70.                             $('#' + $elem.attr('id') + ' .wcfm-message').append( '<br /><span class="wcicon-status-cancelled"></span>' + TAGS_RESTRICTION_MSG );
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  72.                         $wcfm_is_valid_form = false;
  73.                     }
  74.                 }
  76.                 //article category restrictions
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  81.                             $('#' + $elem.attr('id') + ' .wcfm-message').html( '<span class="wcicon-status-cancelled"></span>' + CATGS_RESTRICTION_MSG ).addClass('wcfm-error').slideDown();
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  83.                             $('#' + $elem.attr('id') + ' .wcfm-message').append( '<br /><span class="wcicon-status-cancelled"></span>' + CATGS_RESTRICTION_MSG );
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  85.                         $wcfm_is_valid_form = false;
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  92.                         if( $wcfm_is_valid_form ) {
  93.                             $('#' + $elem.attr('id') + ' .wcfm-message').html( '<span class="wcicon-status-cancelled"></span>' + IMAGE_RESTRICTION_MSG ).addClass('wcfm-error').slideDown();
  94.                         } else {
  95.                             $('#' + $elem.attr('id') + ' .wcfm-message').append( '<br /><span class="wcicon-status-cancelled"></span>' + IMAGE_RESTRICTION_MSG );
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  97.                         $wcfm_is_valid_form = false;
  98.                     }
  99.                 }
  101.             } );
  102.         });
  103.     </script>
  104.     <?php
  105. });
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