
English-Chinese Phrases 5/22 2:00 p

May 16th, 2024 (edited)
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  21. <div class="text1">English to Simplified Chinese Phrases</div>
  22. <div class="text5"><p><br>This very simple phrase list has descriptions for some things to know before attempting them with a person who only speaks Chinese. The phrase in English is presented first. The second line down is a common phonetic pronounciation which will sometimes have a syllable in all caps to show where emphasis is made.
  23. <br>The third line has my own proprietary more explicit phonetic guide. On the fourth line, explanation is given for pronunciation that generally applies in simplified Chinese. It should be in line with my own proprietary phonetic pronunciation system.
  24. <p>This is block learning. I suggest learning one phrase to perfection, then the next phrase along with the earlier phrase(s). By the tenth phrase you are learning 10 phrases to perfection. More than a simple review, it is getting it perfectly.
  25. This is to be followed by learning phrases 11 to 20 while now occasionally reviewing the first ten phrases so they are not easily forgotten.
  26. </div><hr><hr>
  28. <div class="text1">BLOCK ONE
  30. <div class="text2"><p>1. Hello. How are you?</div>   <br>
  31. <div class="text3">Ni hao. Ni HAO ma.</div>   <br>
  32. <div class="text4">NeeHOW. NeeHOWmah.</div>   <br>
  33. <div class="text5">The all caps syllables are accented syllables. Each sentence is often spoken as one word.</div><hr style="border:22px ridge red;">
  35. <div class="text2"><p>2. My name is Marshall Smyth</div><br>
  36. <div class="text3">Wo jiao Maxxier~Shimisi.</div><br>
  37. <div class="text4">WojeeYOW~MahSHEE~ya(h)(r) ShiMEEsee. Marshall Smyth<br><br>WohjeeYOW~MahSHEEyahr~shiMEEsee.</div><br>
  38. <div class="text5">The j is a soft buzzing j sound (similar to a french letter), and Jiao is almost jeeyow, ow as in "now".The x is generally a "sh" sound. The r in MahSHEE~yah(r) is barely pronounced. Letters inside ( ) have changed sounds from the English expectations. The (h) after an a means it is an "ah" sound. Without an added h after an a, the a is pronounced like the a in bat or cat.</div><hr>
  40. <div class="text2"><p>3. You are very pretty.</div><br>
  41. <div class="text3">Ni hen piaoliang</div><br>
  42. <div class="text4">NEEhen peeyow(l)yeea(h)n(g)</div><br>
  43. <div class="text5">Ni often means you. The l in piaoliang is barely pronounced. iao is generally said as "yow", and is commonly used.</div><hr>
  45. <div class="text2"><p>4. Where am I on this map?</div><br>
  46. <div class="text3">Wǒ zài zhè~zhāng dìtú shàng de shénme dìfāng?</div><br>
  47. <div class="text4">Wo ZYE jeh jahng deeTUshahng~day~sheenme~deefahng?<br><br>((Say this phrase many times and get it right before going to China. The roads of especially residential areas may well include tiny alleys, and be designed at random. Even locals may get temporarily lost in a neighboring place. Sometimes these can be dangerous places to be alone after dark. Trudat!))</div><br>
  48. <div class="text5">Wo means I or my. Z is spoken as in English, but ZH is spoken exactly like the typical j of English, as in Jenny. This is a relatively long phrase in Chinese, but it is an important one. Learn this one. When saying it some of the words are spoken as one word more than the usual. I'll put a ~ between those words. In Chinese, it sounds to an American English speaker like most parts of a phrase are a single word. I think especially when the earlier word ends with a vowel. In a question, it is mostly only the last word that sounds like a question. Remember this.</div><hr>
  50. <div class="text2"><p>5. Right here. (This is the simplest response to where am I on this map.)</div><br>
  51. <div class="text3">Jiu zai zheer</div><br>
  52. <div class="text4">JuuzyeJAA</div><br>
  53. <div class="text5">This phrase is spoken as one word. jaa is said just like the first two letters in January. The J is exactly like the American English J. Zai seems to mean "are" or "am".</div><hr>
  55. <div class="text2"><p>6. How much does this cost?</div><br>
  56. <div class="text3">...</div><br>
  57. <div class="text4">...</div><br>
  58. <div class="text5">...</div><hr>
  60. <div class="text2"><p>7. I am an ordinary American.</div><br>
  61. <div class="text3">...</div><br>
  62. <div class="text4">...</div><br>
  63. <div class="text5">...</div><hr>
  65. <div class="text2"><p>8. Where can I get a bus to the main bus terminal in Shanghai?</div><br>
  66. <div class="text3">...</div><br>
  67. <div class="text4">...</div><br>
  68. <div class="text5">...</div><hr>
  70. <div class="text2"><p>9. Where is the police station?</div><br>
  71. <div class="text3">...</div><br>
  72. <div class="text4">...</div><br>
  73. <div class="text5">...</div><hr>
  75. <div class="text2"><p>10. Thank you</div><br>
  76. <div class="text3">...</div><br>
  77. <div class="text4">...</div><br>
  78. <div class="text5">...</div><hr><hr>
  80. <div class="text1">BLOCK TWO
  82. <div class="text2"><p>11. What is your name?</div><br>
  83. <div class="text3">...</div><br>
  84. <div class="text4">...</div><br>
  85. <div class="text5">...</div><hr>
  87. <div class="text2"><p>12. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.</div><br>
  88. <div class="text3">...</div><br>
  89. <div class="text4">...</div><br>
  90. <div class="text5">...</div><hr>
  92. <div class="text2"><p>13. One, two, three, four, five.</div><br>
  93. <div class="text3">...</div><br>
  94. <div class="text4">...</div><br>
  95. <div class="text5">...</div><hr>
  97. <div class="text2"><p>14. Twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred.</div><br>
  98. <div class="text3">...</div><br>
  99. <div class="text4">...</div><br>
  100. <div class="text5">...</div><hr>
  102. <div class="text2"><p>15. I am injured.</div><br>
  103. <div class="text3">...</div><br>
  104. <div class="text4">...</div><br>
  105. <div class="text5">...</div><hr>
  107. <div class="text2"><p>16. My stomach hurts. I am sick.</div><br>
  108. <div class="text3">...</div><br>
  109. <div class="text4">...</div><br>
  110. <div class="text5">...</div><hr>
  112. <div class="text2"><p>17. Where is my Samsung phone?</div><br>
  113. <div class="text3">...</div><br>
  114. <div class="text4">...</div><br>
  115. <div class="text5">...</div><hr>
  117. <div class="text2"><p>18. ...</div><br>
  118. <div class="text3">...</div><br>
  119. <div class="text4">...</div><br>
  120. <div class="text5">...</div><hr>
  122. <div class="text2"><p>19. ...</div><br>
  123. <div class="text3">...</div><br>
  124. <div class="text4">...</div><br>
  125. <div class="text5">...</div><hr>
  127. <div class="text2"><p>20. DUOLINGO</div><br>
  128. <div class="text3">...</div><br>
  129. <div class="text4">...</div><br>
  130. <div class="text5">...</div><hr>
  132. <div class="text5">A final exam would be oral. Each of these 20 phrases said at random in either and both languages will be answered with that same phrase in the other language.
  133. <br>After getting the first 20 phrases learned until they are in your soul, that is, getting 100% on all 40, (20 X 2) phrases, you may be prepared to take a serious course in Simplified Chinese.
  134. </div></div>
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